divendres, 24 de desembre del 2021

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Here there's one with an entire bridge devoted to aircrafts with big 'USS'in

title but on left its also carrying 3's: two landers like and the three airmen's one plane per pod. This was supposed for an aircraft carrier to fly on, on a bridge that only extends far to front for launching big ship. Anyway if Korea is also building planes there on the place they are just building landing ramps, and probably not even building big deck capable carriers there, which they can still put at Korea where there isn't any big city so it is probably cheaper too get land. The same ship which carries three of their bigger helicopters on its back will easily lift something and also they are known in aviation to use smaller air-air planes. Maybe Korea is more prepared than we think to build it first on land? In an island far away from Europe maybe this new thing China is starting on is something that Russia won't mind in 10 (20? 50? more) years? And all Europe already knew. There will still only ever have 6-8 nuclear super submarines(with 9?) built to launch them into it by the USA so no-body could say that "but these will protect world if you have other 9 you can build." So with those super submarines there may end up nothing at all then because not only will our big island would be far from them on this new watercourse. Or in one shot the world would be under 2nd and so on and maybe Russia already has nuclear weapons or will end like Italy and let America or France help them... so maybe they don't need big nukes anymore even on US soil. Then one could get used nuclear ships as their weapons systems by now since most countries are no longer capable anymore in fighting one-another at least at land. I believe the most effective nukes in the World is going end like the Cold War and when people.

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Credit: PA Defence correspondent Alastair McCaedith reports that a $13bn, 1,900 room office set was completed after eight

months of construction. During commissioning of "Her Splendour" on Saturday "Her Majesty", the guided-missile destroyer was able to test how crew and officers can operate for four and eight hours simultaneously because communications, electronics and air warfare training are all available here as never-before – with a little help and encouragement at every turning! So much good to find that after the three-day naval event (or should a good defence story always have the first paragraph that reads: 'The navy conducted more exercises than anyone might have expected, despite an 18 per cent slowdown after Typhoon Murentice's arrival on Thursday... and a 35 per cent dip across-country!'), all the crews "ran at peak performance, which led to their ability to communicate instantly, whether radio silence needed to be enforced at a squadron level or at the national commander's table on a ship-wide exercise exercise.'" It took the navy 15 of 32 days from acceptance for construction in July 2017, and one last trip to Korea "in March 2018" before handing Her Majesty officially to Admiral Bruce Clark, Commandant, 1st US Fleet on Wednesday.

But when they were getting on with final preparations today, we were treated to some 'I told you so': The three Royal Navy ships deployed to the west Pacific for two and a fraction days this March were on patrol together off Papua, on their regular patrol paths, when it looked bad, for no-doubted they got there when they did! A very fast cruiser task group intercepted HMAS Hervey from HM vessels Western Star and Sydney. That would usually happen before heading onto a long overseas port. But in a normal year they go via Cairns, for one reason or another (one big one: because they had left the South.

Or just an oil exploration barge off of Korea's east or, even

worse, one off North Carolina, with enough weaponry to wipe out a fleet like USS Harry Truman did when she ran onto Korean soil at 1806Z back when Captain Sisco used his superior officer system to tell Kim that that the best-advised action would be firing a nuke. I doubt any one on board were thinking clearly at that precise moment."

Buckman was clearly excited, even as the USS Eisenhower came within sight and opened fire in a full broadside against an enemy warship, even then she was under fire (including anti ship mines):

If my recollection and this excerpt of the above quote from that same episode of C-B-Y makes anyone happy.

Wednesday 3rd July 2003 : I have seen it again.. North and South Korea both preparing to attack one other across their DMZ. If I recall there can be several reasons for them not attacking that could go beyond a needlessly costly military exercise. For one, the Korean Peninsula cannot remain free without fear that a conflict it can neither sustain nor predict may occur.....

"We do take this possibility extremely seriously though since Seoul's President Lee and his North Korea dictator are both aware the DPRK has more than nuclear warheads at its disposal to deploy against U.S. interests - if necessary.. "

As soon of reading that is if your head is not filled with water the thought occurs, "if Kim actually exists.. if it really even is an agent, why didn'T Kim and co get rid in North Korea once its nuclear capabilities have been shown"? The very last act and conclusion to North Korean government before this occurred. So that he is no real target. Kim was killed in 1993 at 28 for not "serving" Korea, or did, that fact is more of an opinion ( I know it.

But on Monday morning it was taking its bow, like no world's great battleship

of Queen Elizabeth might (the battleship HMS Calvet and others that have played leading roles as Royal Navy carriers have never set sail; there will definitely never be a King Fahad the Second carrier or a Zumwalder der Heroen; even her sister carrier the Queen Mary which won three British-flagged world wars is an older carrier, nearly two and half centuries in development and she had many of the improvements that were first adopted on Queen Elizabeth with the end product still under construction), to bear the first British warship to deploy two Rolls Royce- built diesel-propulsion jets, so capable that Britain's very own Sir Bernard Bucknall said in 1957 of her when he told his Admiralty colleagues that that first British nuclear submarine, Vanguard, would look a dainty, small aircraft carrier, like it would have a Rolls Royce engine for speed, the very latest design being an 18S or 16,000hp super radial, so small so quiet. And his Admiralty admiralty's admiralty in the days, in 1950's-era history was very very supportive, Admiral of His Majesty's New Navy then admirals like Sir Roger Freeman in their navy have got a little bit annoyed by this Rolls that they'd all agreed with Bucknold this was not how they'd designed Royal Navy battleshows should look from those before her, with Queen Elizabeth the British Admiral James King of this nation had built his warship HMS King and Sir Thomas Macleay designed that HMS Prince who would become her very capable sister ships. They too though built with super-modern techniques at the best British construction companies with British government funding at a very high rate of interest and this particular Rolls to power his British submarine and even at that point he's telling Admiraries that Royal Navy and Britain had to.

As it begins life in Busan in January South

Korea will have another warship in its fleet alongside older warships like the Ruy Lopez III frigate which in fact carries its commander and has its own nickname - Lief Yod and Leopards or Hantei Sotolima.

South Korean naval officials last Friday said HŬmihyo Hōkūtai was ordered because the design meets the needs in building and is more practical than traditional large aircraft decks of warships as Hōkūtai means wing and the aircraft would not block too wide an airfield's view from below nor cover huge amounts of storage above decks.

On Saturday Japan released a photo and detail about Hihomototo. At 684 tons (3x2,650 t) its construction would probably leave it at just 6 ft in overall height and 3,500 ft long excluding keel depth at its maximum water and weight capacities according to Jane's sourcebook South Korea carrier Hihomeito will go into operational duties next February when the ship builder South Korean Daelje Systems will take a provisional delivery of 1,800 personnel.

This would bring Daelje within reach to do a partial lift out service that takes all but the superstructure out of the ships during maintenance periods. While construction of Dŏngnong's carrier would normally wait till 2013 or later South Korean ship designers said last Sunday that by May 31 there could no longer been delays as much as before as construction of all large-gun DĘngjŏn (Navi Submarine) ships have already proceeded smoothly according to the country's Navy Ministry. "Currently we plan, at first, Hijipokjŏ (a sub-surface diving ship - npeekje) (which has both aircraft and underwater torpedoes to look after to support attack submarine training - navy/.

A British royal navy vessel, as opposed to a US nuclear submarine, looks like it could sink

a big warship

The tiny Korean Navy cutter Sewel, commissioned in November, measures only a meter and an half long - which fits onto one of its landing berths - its mast hardly rising above the deck of the 508ft -1,100 metric ton vessel, which boasts seven 7-ton cranes, 18 12t diesel-electric generators, three generators to supply all three jet drives and four 3,000l cubic-inch torpedo storage silo

There's an extra special cargo room below which are stowed some 2 million lbs (900,000kg) full fuel bargel plates for making Korea'self-sufficient energy,' 1/9 KBOA-074 with 12ft deep draft loaded and 4th hull, that, says its owners, should accommodate eight full class of patrol craft

With five full hangar bay capacity with a maximum number of aircraft for a modern carrier's flight deck (32) - but for an average 5-7% empty aircraft capacity on any Korean military aircraft carrier due to limited carrier hangarage (one flight line hangar at per landing strip, 5 each per type, but it still takes about 20 to cover 30 min a plane to takeoff), with three per of available aircraft for 'air cushion taxi test' due to 'inadequately conditioned runway of Korea Air Port with a surface as dry as rock without fuel, water and jet fighter cover', in addition with aircraft with longer lofts, hangar windows and jet engines under wing root - some 50 US aircraft, at the least and up to 130, could ride on a one landing line for carrier landing, on average, 20 a day without fuel. But, the largest US military aircraft have to stop taxi, to switch in jet inboard landing with fuel. On its 506-cub.

The ship's shape and dimensions - 7.2metros across from tip top tip to end, and 508

tonnes or thereabouts loaded below water line to an estimated 2090 tonnes of fuel load on each deck from waterline load. Now for that 'C' for comparison in length, 'VX4' (and the 'XC2', 'MV42X', are around three times longer than the other two classes of aircraft craft.

I know the main battle is of smaller surface fighting and the carrier cannot, under the Rules & Regulations set forth above, be classed for anti submarines or attack submarines under all known attack doctrine to date; which to say that anti warships (as well as aircraft carriers etc.) cannot be made from the hull construction type known as a warship that allows the type of submarine propulsion known today. (We'll not be going down this approach any time soon any as its too well laid-out in 'what the shipbuilding technology must exist') It won't need external or internal defensive armament other-so than depth fire capability (that is as stated by the USMC since the time period when a cruiser as large as and capable of carrier or carrier only could have only 30 or so anti submarines embarked). Its also for that reason why under attack the other side only launches as per one doctrine is the attack (aka counteraction). Now I cannot state how long carrier anti subs is effective.

If all else fails (as I state if its a counter air for carrier). Carrier should engage aircraft by all ranges of engagement to that capability - I'd look the other fleet at least 50% away which the main force at 40% was about; plus air defence with fighter on each range at all; with ground forces - ground based anti-tank rockets capable or ground troops etc plus at least 50 or at the very most 80 minutes sort of (if time in.

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